The simple habits that make you feel invincible – Happy 2020

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Leadership Tip: The Simple Habits that Make You Feel Invincible

This newsletter is dedicated to simplicity. Simple habits can make you feel invincible. Far too often we as leaders forget to lead ourselves. Yet self-management is the key to managing others. Here are 3 easy-to-implement things, that you already know, but probably never do. 

  • Take your breaks, preferable as a mindful exercise of focusing on just breathing full and deep. 3 times a day, 3 minutes a day (3×3) will make all the difference. If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for your team, your colleagues and the investors. They will get much more out of you.
  • Do one thing at a time. The “multitasking-myth” is a myth. Focus & finish should be your mantra. 
  • Email time is email time. People time is people time. Define when you do what and stick to it.

 Try this for 3 weeks and experience the difference it makes. 


Our Island Adventure

As many of you may have seen on LinkedIn or Facebook, we spent 4 weeks on Youth Island outside Copenhagen, training 200 leaders together with our associate partners, Glenn Jacobsen and Marianne Siig. The company, MAN Energy Solutions, is investing heavily in lifting the overall leadership level in the Danish organization. They want to elevate the organization for the future and see setting a common frame for great leadership as an important tool for change. 

It was amazing to work with the top 200 leaders of an entire organization over such a short intense period and the effect was impressive. 

After this incredible kick-off MAN Energy Solutions is already planning the next phase of this program to gear the leadership community for the agile VUCA world we all are facing. We were super proud to be allowed a small role in this impressive and ambitious project.

If you meet or run into a MAN leader, say “Island” and see the spark in their eyes.


Presidents Institute Back on a New Track

Eventually, all good things must come to an end. The interim CEO job that Johnny had at Presidents Institute went into its final stage over the summer when the new local country CEO was found to continue the journey with the owners. Together with a team of dedicated and highly talented young professionals, Johnny and the owners did the mission impossible and turned the ship around, re-launching the concept without losing the core values, with an eye towards the future. Leading an organization through a tough transition requires a steady hand and a focus on the leadership that makes a difference. The black numbers come when we bring out the best in each person on the team and reignite the courage to challenge the status quo. We are super proud of this opportunity to put the Fire & Shield methodology to the test and passing with flying colors. 


Case study: The Power of Fixing Things Before They Break.

LEO Innovationlab, the dynamic innovation hub of LEO Pharma, is placed in key locations globally with a central office in Copenhagen. As an instant success, it soon became a magnet for talented, globally oriented (young) people in both tech and growth hacking. During its first two years LEO Innovationlab grew from 3 to 120 people, on average hiring one new person a week. In the winter 2017-2018 the organization was experiencing a bit of growth fatigue. While still high, motivation within the team had started to decline a bit. CEO Kristian Hart Hansen is a firm believer in early detection and fast solutions so he partnered up with Fire & Shield to get some insights into the root causes of this unfortunate tendency. This first step in the Fire & Shield process we call “dare” because you have to face reality to improve things and it often takes courage to ask for the potentially uncomfortable truth.

After interviewing all 120 employees, the conclusions and the root causes were clear, and together with management and HR we designed a road map addressing the top 5 issues. One issue was the need to establish a more formal leadership structure with a middle management level. We therefore designed a leadership course for the middle managers tailored to the innovative, international and informal culture in a Health Care Tech innovation hub like LEO Innovationlab, bridging the values of LEO Pharma with millennium-style leadership tools and Fire & Shield methodology. Four months later the motivation was back up and has stayed up since, which the latest assessments support. We are of course proud of our contribution to this, but we are even more proud that effect of this project was sustainable by the LEO Innovationlab Organization.


New website – new films

Some of you have probably already noticed how we’ve relaunched our website. Thanks to those of you who helped us by pointing out things that still need to be fixed. It is incredible how much we overlook when we see the same thing again and again. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out

We have also together made some films with Mortensen Media about us: our business, Fire & Shield methodology and on leadership in general. The first few are live on our YouTube channel – go to

2020 Ambitions

2 years ago, a great ambition seemed to be to keep the business running through happy customers and great projects. It has required courage, hard work, “grit” and putting ourselves out there to keep this up. 2019 has been our best year so far – both in terms of new exciting projects and new customers & partners. It’s time to keep dreaming big without forgetting how we got here. Therefore, from all of us to all of you, a big heartfelt thank you. Thank you for your business, your willingness to discuss leadership and to be challenged. May your 2020 be full of inspiring moments that you remember to cherish and may you keep growing. We will try to do the same.

We wish you all a fantastic new year.

Kind regards to all

Johnny & Elize

Elize Dimare

CEO & Founder, M.Sc, Ph.D. MBA

Fire & Shield

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